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AM-115 Once In a Lifetime
Once again the stage is set, and the players assume their respective roles. The last
episode was a disappointment; I am greatly relieved that "Once in a Lifetime"
was a return to complex, layered situations and contexts.
Do people tend to make judgements on compatibility so soon and with so little information?
DEK certainly seems to pay homage to the romantic concept of ideal love with all its
ramifications. He does acknowledge that this romanticism must accommodate reality in some
sense or form. Is Ally's response to John realistic. He certainly seems to be perfect
husband material at first glance. He is educated, he is sensitive, and he makes excellent
money. Yet Ally sees or feels the "ick" factor. The show by implication
acknowledges the fact that people tend to look for relationships based more on chemistry
than on compatibility of social values or social class. And this view is somewhat
supported by reality. Most people hunger for the "chemical response", the
hormonal overdrive that heightens subjective reality.
Now many might say that Ally is looking for compatibility of personality, but how does
that explain Cheny. He is pleasant in personality, but he does have certain emotional
weaknesses that are obvious. Why else would he kiss Whipper despite knowing that she has a
boyfriend. The most obvious reasons I see why ally liked him is because he is attractive.
In my opinion, most people tend to deny the importance of physical attractiveness in the
viability of potential boyfriends/girlfriends.. There was a series of studies that seem to
indicate the importance of this element despite what people would say. In this study two
agents, male and female, went on blind dates with a pool of people. The agents went on
dates first as unattractively as possible, then as attractively as possible.
The results were unsurprising. When the agents were attractive, the dates were positive,
but when they were unattractive, the dates were bad. They also did a blind series of blind
dates and found definite correlation between physical attractiveness and the other
person's perceived satisfaction with the date. If the date was unattractive, the other
person did not want to see them again
.If the dates were attractive, the other person
felt the date was a success and clearly wanted to see them again
I think maybe the
most important reason why Ally felt the ick factor was because he did not do it for
chemically. In short, despite her protestations, she did not find him physically
attractive enough. She lies to herself, and she lies to him.. Of course there are other
mitigating circumstances such as Billy and unresolved love, but then why did she not feel
the "ick " factor for Cheny?
Now when John greets Ally the next day we see a series of patterns emerging. First,
despite her best intentions, Ally feels uncomfortable with John and acts accordingly both
verbally and in nonverbal tones. John, the master litigator that he is, obviously notices
this reticence, and this affects his mood dramatically. Nothing hurts a man more than a
woman he is interested in, acting strange around him. And a man would express this hurt
not with tears, but with aggression generally in the form of confrontation with others and
combativeness, which can clearly be seen in the way he speaks to Richard in the meeting.
His need to discuss his problem with Richard is unsurprising
He may be competent in
many ways, but ultimately he lacks social skills specific to intimate matters. He
confronts the question all men must face on how aggressive he must be on his dates, and
simply enough he opts to be a gentleman, partially for her, and partially to protect his
own feelings from a possible rejection. If he tried to kiss her, and she rejected him, he
would have made himself too open, too vulnerable in his affections for her, and thus hurt
him more. He needs to see himself in control, and by not kissing her he does not make
himself too vulnerable to possible rejection. If he does not kiss her, and she later
rejects him, he can at least pretend that his feelings for her were not too intense, and
that he doe not care that she breaks up with him..If he kisses her, however, he opens up a
channel to being hurt. To love another is to increase the chance of being hurt.
Do women want men who are aggressive? I would say the answer is a conditional yes.
Obviously a woman does not want to be forced, but when a woman likes a man, she would like
him to be the aggressor in the more intimate actions. Even ally expressed that opinion
before. "I want to be seen as a sexual object at times.
I want a little
grope." The above sentence is a rough paraphrase of she said
.I do not remember
the exact line
.And certainly a woman may be independent and the equal of men but
women generally like to be dominated once in awhile. It makes them feel cherished and
wanted. If woman really want complete equality, why then do they hunger for protection,
and look for it in the man they love
.tones of Cro-Magnon Man
Ally's meeting with Sidney Little is quite hilarious in many ways
First, the show
seems to poke at itself by acknowledging the comments by the audience that real lawyers do
not wear such short skirts
..This action shows a level of sophistication, in using
..the worst offense is to be too serious. And like art reflects
life, TV reflects life
.and vice versa. Not satisfied with that allusion, DEK throws
in overtones of Freud with the statement of "P------". Obvious comparisons to
the concept of p---- envy"
..Quite cerebral
. Richard once again expresses
himself quite eloquently
DEK seems to imply that the dating process is a complex one; in short it is a
series of maneuvers both physical and emotional
. Not unlike a battlefield. Invade
her space, make her aware of you as a man
.Falls into line with the past theories
espoused by ally with regards to dancing
it is all a game and we must play it
Interestingly enough, the case they are doing seems to open up new issues for us to
The concept of mental incompetencey and of control is certainly a relevant
..One of the founders of the Beach Boys had problems in that regard when other
members felt he was no longer mentally competent, and that he was being controlled by his
psychiatrist. When is it too much? Who knows
You love the man, yet your actions hurt
him further
.A sad state of affairs..
Idiosyncrasy rules in this episode
.John's remote toilet flusher is funny. The case
also brings to the forefront the existing tension between Billy and Ally
.My opinion
is that the elephant was merely a device used to indicate the massiveness of the issue and
nothing more. DEK seems to revel in animal jokes..i.e.
.horses, and now an elephant.
The elephant even does tricks
.The problem, the issue of unresolved emotions is there
and it is gigantic
The case forces them to take a good look at their feelings for one another and this focus
brings discomfort to both
.Better to deny than to face the truth
The song then
brings such misery and pain
.." to reinforce
the truth that love can be a burden at times
.It is not always a bed of roses
Billy's unresolved feelings for Ally is displayed in many ways
..No matter what
he may say or do
he still wants her to love only him
The line between the case
and their own situation seems to be very fuzzy and they often cross the line
.At times the confusion is evident
. Song are excellent in
establishing and reinforcing certain tones and moods, and DEK uses this to great effect in
this episode..The song was one of possession, and of distilled memories, and of raw
"See the pyramids along the Nile
Watch the sun rise on the tropic isle.
Just remember all the while..You belong to me
See the market place in old
Algiers..send me photographs and souvenirs
Just remember when a dream
You belong to me
This song can be taken two ways
One it represents the feelings, the emotions Billy
and Ally have for one another
..and when we see Georgia, the song can signify that
she feels the same way for Billy
..I see troubles ahead and rocky times
.The look of despondency in Georgia's face was very touching
relapse into nostalgia is certainly believable..At times memories are
The poignancy of the love lost threatens to overwhelm everyone
.In love as intense as
this, the loss of the love alters the very perception of the remaining person
darkens everything
Mood, especially intense ones can influence, and control one's
subjective perception of reality
In this deep, dark despair, the sufferer expects
reality to reflect his sense of chaos and sorrow. And logically, reality does not
But Sidney wanted some objective recognition of his loss in reality
everything seems to go on the same
The sun rises, etc
.He wants to paint her, to
ultimately validate and share his love , and his loss of his one great love
and Juliet time
.Bring out the tissues
.To express one's
creative impulses is to validate one's own place in the universe. John's fall is
remarkably like the boxer's fall in prior episodes
There may be hidden reasons for
this obvious similarity
..Could it be fundamentally a tangible expression of loss,
and of utter defeat
..The boxer loses in the war of violence, and John loses in the
war of relationships
..give me your opinions..
Anyway, the unresolved feelings ally and Billy have for one another reaches a tangible
At this point, there is no doubt in my mind, at least, that she is speaking
about Billy as well as about Sidney.. The truth comes out
A love that lasts
forever..is what any woman wants as testament. Yet Billy has failed to keep the torch
.he has not waited for her and this is betrayal..She never asked to wait for
her and she never will, but the expectation is there
..Billy recognizes this and asks
her whether or not she will ever forgive him for letting go and moving on
..She and
he believe their love is as powerful as the love between Romeo and Juliet, yet he moved
..and this hurts her
..Can such a love
Who knows
.Opinions please
A tale of tragedy that slowly unravels,
revealing pain and regrets
..with misery on both sides
..no flames
.these are my opinions...Please..share your thoughts...
By Kenny Lee (thanos001@aol.com)
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